Psychological Peculiarities of Evaluation by Creative Personalities of Socio-psychological Climate


  • Tetiana Fedotova Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University


creativity, creative personality, social and psychological climate


The article analyzes the scientific approaches to understanding of the social and psychological climate in which the main focus is on study: state of collective consciousness, reflection in people's minds of the complex phenomena associated with their relationships, conditions of labor, methods of stimulation (K. K. Platonov, N. L. Kolominskyy etc.) , psychological compatibility, cohesion of staff, and the presence of group traditions and customs (N. M. Kornyev, A. B. Kovalenko and others); style of relationships of people who come into contact (V. Boyko, V. M. Shepel and others), the dominant and relatively stable, group mental mood (G. Andreeva, B.D. Parygin and others). Socio-psychological climate, on the one hand, is a subjective reflection of life activity of a particular group, and the other hand – is an important factor influencing the performance of the group, its performance and process of management. Empirically found that most creative students tend to positively and highly evaluate the socio-psychological climate in the group – its creative component, creatively vague – favorably appreciate the occupational part of the socio-psychological climate of the group, but are ambiguous in its overall assessment. Studies have shown that creative students tend to establish relationships, actively involved in interpersonal relationships, just belonging to the new for them, creative team and explaining the acception of the communication partner and focus on adequate perception and understanding partner, a high positive assessment of the socio-psychological climate of the group. Designated altruistic, nonaggressive, unselfish and friendly types of attitudes toward other confirms the openness and sincerity of creative students in relationships with classmates whom they assess as creative, desire for deepening and broadening of contacts, responsibility for others and the propensity to cooperate, flexibility in problem solving and conflicts follow generally accepted conventions and principles of conduct in relations with classmates.

Author Biography

  • Tetiana Fedotova, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University

    Ph.D. in Psychology, Associate Professor of the Department of General and Social Psychology of the Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University


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How to Cite

Fedotova, T. (2014). Psychological Peculiarities of Evaluation by Creative Personalities of Socio-psychological Climate. Psychological Prospects Journal, 23, 299-309.

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