Creative Personality Profile
The article reveals psychological peculiarities of a creative personality. There have been made a theoretical analysis of scientists’ works in the world of psychology about interpreting the phenomenon ‘creativity’. Thus personality is seen to be the only and unique owner of the inherently given creative program of his/her development.
Based on the definition of creativity as a process interpreted at the same time by the social and psychological approaches a creative personality is seen in some historical, social and cultural living atmosphere, where a creative product is raised in the form of not only objective given but subjective author’s view (imagination, dream, aim). With this a creative personality aimed at creative activities that is his/her visible need of art and creativity. The later dominates over other forms of a personality’s focus and represents his/her creative profile in outline of creative originality.
The article stresses creative personality’s psychological peculiarities who is characterized with readiness to a new experience, with great learning interest, deep expressiveness of cognitive and motivated components, emotional and sensitive ‘engagement’ (engaged in activity), with a capability to risk, a courage to self-express, a sense of novelty, imagination, intuition etc. Meanwhile it’s spoken about combining mutually exclusive psychological features in the matter to characterize creative personalities, which can make some troubles to research them. Creative originality includes all palette of the personality’s creative works (novelty) during ontogenesis. And the richer this novelty the deeper a creative experience, and also a personality’s creative potential. According to this, a creative personality is observed as a subject of his/her own life-making expressing personal conception of a creative ‘I’.
Key words: creativity, a creative personality, a creative profile, psychological peculiarities, a creative potential.
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