Psychological Space of a Personality: Psychological Factors System of Formation


  • Irina Havryliuk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University



psychological space,, sovereignty,, psychological space limits,, socio-psychological adaptability, subject, personality.


The psychological factors system of psychological space formation of a personality within the limits of subjective, genetic, reflexive and activity, ecological and psychological approaches has been grounded in the article. The scientific position of material presentation concerns the historical and psychological analysis of representations, concepts, theories and concepts of space psychology where arises the general methodological line of interpretation from the outlining of its manifestations of physical, psychological and social content to the possibility of active choice of self-affirmation. The correlates analysis of psychological space of a personality opens out the directions of its study as subjectity indicator of a personality, subject of post-neoclassical psychology, basis of psychological health and ability to self-realization and creative self-projection. Three study aspects of personality space formation have been defined: age, socio-psychological and mental. Represented theoretical and methodological analysis of the problem of psychological space phenomenon and highlighting its categorical and conceptual content, as well as clarification of definition conceptual positions for its determination, formed the basis for systematization of its development factors (genetic peculiarities of individual, the effect of natural environment, culture influence, social environment, individual experience of a person). The scientific ideas about the content of external (social cultural, environmental, economic) and internal (psychophysiological, individual psychological, personal, social psychological) formation factors of psychological space of a personality have been revealed and the influence extent on the provision of personality safety and comfort of each of them have been stated. The complete dynamism of psychological space consideration in its structural and functional features of general well-being, social maturity, productivity and success of a personality and human awareness ways in subjective forms of manifestation under the influence of adaptation and identification mechanisms has been demonstrated.


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How to Cite

Havryliuk, I. (2018). Psychological Space of a Personality: Psychological Factors System of Formation. Psychological Prospects Journal, 32, 60-72.

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