Sovereignty of Psychological Space of Youth from Personal Maturity Perspective




The article analyzes and summarizes the main theoretical approaches to the study of the sovereignty of psychological space of the young man in the context of the personal maturity development. The most important
and informative personality determinants of personal space sovereignty have been determined; these are − responsibility, straightforwardness and autonomy. It is proved that the psychological space sovereignty is an important factor motivating sustainable behavior trends, personalized connections with the social world, becoming a mature social Self at the level of group and individual realization, promotes reorientation to
target the signs of development, initiative manifestation, finding innovation, individual activity and self-realization. The results of empirical research identified significant differences between the
groups of students. It is approved that expressed sovereignty of psychological space is inevitable phenomenon going with explicited feeling of independence and autonomy of oneself that is reached by regulation of personal boundaries, and above all, their setting up which makes the space open. Such manageability of a real life environment
(perception of the physical body, territory, things, habits, social relations and values) is a feature of personal maturity, social and psychological adaptation and mental wellbeing of a person. To overcome poor students psychological space sovereignty it is expedient to implement psychotechnologies forming socially mature personality with
distinct tendency to self-actualization and self-development.

Keywords: psychological space, sovereignty, personal maturity, personal boundaries, autonomy, students’ youth.

Author Biography

  • Victor Koshyrets, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University

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How to Cite

Koshyrets, V. (2016). Sovereignty of Psychological Space of Youth from Personal Maturity Perspective. Psychological Prospects Journal, 28, 151-164.