Personality Space of Contemporary Youth: Peculiarities of Adaptational, Motivational, Personality and Behavioral Tendencies




The article concretizes the author’s position of studying the structural and functional components of a personality space of contemporary youth in the context of their socialization. The central positions of under standing the personality socialization are outlined in objective-subjective dimension, where the in dispensable moment is to understand the personality space as integrate dimage of all human activities, which human actively realizes as the subject ofindividual activity. The proposed research position of studying a personality space in the form of inner integrate dimage of subjective character provides the adequate level of social and psychological adaptation, formation of social maturity, self-assertiveness and self-actualization of contemporary youth. The mainstructural components of a personality space perform their specific func­tions: adaptational component executes adaptive, control and protective functions; motivational component implements stabilizing, identifying and innovative functions; personality and behavior component contains organizing, communicative and accumulating functions. The content correlation of the functional characteristics of a personality space structural components and its psychological boundaries are analyzed, such quality characteristics as integrity, self-organization and openness of a personality space are outlined. It has been grounded, that stable motivational tendencies of a behavior, personalized connections with a social world, becoming of a mature Self-social at group and individual realization levels, promote reorientation towards targeted signs of development, manifestation of initiative, search of innovation, individual activity and self-realization.

Key words: personality space, adaptational, motivational, personality and behavior components, socialization, inner integrated image of subjective character, contemporary youth.


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How to Cite

Koshyrets, V. V. (2017). Personality Space of Contemporary Youth: Peculiarities of Adaptational, Motivational, Personality and Behavioral Tendencies. Psychological Prospects Journal, 29, 125-136.