Characteristics of the interrelation between the construct «occupational burnout» and the expression of aggressive forms of personal behavior


  • Anna Kulchytska Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Tetiana Fedotova Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University



occupational burnout, hostility, aggression, irritation, legitimization of aggression.


Professional activity is one of the most important parts of modern life. It is not only a source of material resources which are necessary to meet its basic needs but also a basis for self-realization, self-assertion of personality, satisfaction of ambitions and aspirations. Occupational burnout syndrome is one of the key points in a wide range of societal problems. The study is devoted to the problem of the relationship between the level of occupational burnout syndrome and the features of aggression. The article summarizes the set of scientific views on the problems of professional burnout and aggression. Occupational burnout is defined as a relatively stable personality trait, which is caused by the specificity of professional activity and deviates from the social norm, which leads to negative changes in behavior. Aggression is considered any form of behavior aimed at an abuse or harm in the process of subject-object relations. The empirical study was based on the Bass-Darka questionnaire, O. Rukavishnikov's method of "Determination of mental burnout", the Bass-Darka questionnaire, and the questionnaire of legitimized aggression by M. Hogben in the adaptation of S.M. Enikolopov and M.P. Tsybulsky. It was found that in the sample of persons with pronounced occupational burnout (first group) indexes of aggression and hostility exceeding the allowable norm are recorded more often compared to workers not susceptible to it (second group). The differentiation of the representatives of both groups is also revealed by the tendency to detect different types of aggressive behavior, in particular, indirect aggression, irritation, insults, suspicion. The study also analyzed the propensity of the representatives of the two groups to legitimize aggression in different spheres of life.


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How to Cite

Kulchytska, A., & Fedotova, T. (2019). Characteristics of the interrelation between the construct «occupational burnout» and the expression of aggressive forms of personal behavior. Psychological Prospects Journal, 34, 80-93.

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