Social and Psychological Aspects of the Interrelation Between Personal Values and Confidence to Advertising


  • Anna Kulchytska Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University


personal values, confidence, publicity, attitudes, communication, user


The article is devoted to the problem of the social and psychological peculiarities of the personal values of users, the influence of personal values on the confidence to publicity and its sources. The author considers the concept of confidence to publicity addressing to be a universal instrument for the study the article subject-matter, since the concept is one of the basic indicators of a successful communication. In view of the latest scientific data, the peculiarities of the development of confidence to publicity addressing are pointed out, the way to survey this phenomenon is suggested. It is based on the idea that the personal values can be an important component of the publicity addressing evaluation. The results of the investigation are presented concerning the peculiarities of interrelation between the personal values and the development of confidence to public addressing. To indicate some features of users confidence / no confidence to publicity addressing a number of the surveys was carried out by means of the methodical instruments of different purposefulness. It resulted in showing up the variety of the users personal values composition. The results of the investigation are described concerning the following aspects of the problem under survey: interrelation of personal values and confidence; peculiarities of confidence to public addressing among people with different kinds of attitude to the world, themselves and other people; approving of the position about the interrelation between the features of confidence / no confidence to other people and the features of personal confidence to publicity characters; showing up of the peculiarities of the  personal attitudes and confidence to publicity addressing among the people with different kinds of personal values. The generalized results of the research prove personal values to be one of the most important factors for the development of personal confidence to publicity. Personal values can serve both as certain behavior guiding lines and filter for people / users to select proper, helpful and needed information.

Author Biography

  • Anna Kulchytska, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University

    Ph.D. in Psychology, Associate Professor of the Department of General and Social Psychology of the Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University


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How to Cite

Kulchytska, A. (2014). Social and Psychological Aspects of the Interrelation Between Personal Values and Confidence to Advertising. Psychological Prospects Journal, 23, 159-168.

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