Moral Consciousness of Personality as the Factor of Attitude to Money


  • Anna Kulchytska Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University


moral consciousness, morality, ethics, external values, internal values, money, money behavior


The article is devoted to investigation of social and psychological peculiarities of interrelation of personality moral consciousness and attitude to  money. The growth of instability in society, worsening of economic situation, growth of dependence of poor strata of population on the economic policy put out the increased demands to moral factors concerning business and personal activity. The above mentioned determined the choice of the subject-matter of study.

To find out the social and psychological peculiarities of the problem the author carried out a number of investigations with application of methodological instruments for different functions.

In the article we show the results of social and psychological study as to the following aspects: evaluation of the level of personality moral consciousness, determination of importance and realization of personality external and internal values, manifestation of personality money attitudes and determination of logical and psychological meanings of the word «money».

To find out the important statistic correlations with the indicators of money behavior, personality values, ethic attitudes and peculiarities of moral consciousness we carried out statistic quantitative analysis for correlation table and qualitative analysis for important correlation. The generalized results of investigation show the correlation of the indicators of money behavior, personality values, ethic attitudes and peculiarities of moral consciousness.

In conclusions we present the results of the carried out theoretical and empiric investigation as to the moral consciousness as the main factor of attitude to money and line out the ways for the further problem study.

Author Biography

  • Anna Kulchytska, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University

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How to Cite

Kulchytska, A. (2015). Moral Consciousness of Personality as the Factor of Attitude to Money. Psychological Prospects Journal, 25, 98-109.

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