Empirical study of moral consciousness and moral and ethical responsibility of students
moral consciousness, responsibility, moral intuition, altruistic feelings, moral and ethical motivation, moral values, components and levels of development of moral consciousness.Abstract
The article presents the results of the theoretical and empirical research of moral consciousness and moral and ethical responsibility of students. It is revealed that moral consciousness, as a complex psychological entity, has its own levels, forms and a certain structure. It is established that especially in the student's age, while developing professional norms, there is a phenomenon of moral and ethical responsibility. After all, this period is the basis for choosing a life strategy, in which the moral and ethical responsibility of the specialist before the society, other people, by itself for the results of their own activities, plays a crucial role.
It was investigated that moral and ethical responsibility penetrates all stages of students' moral consciousness, characterizing their tendency to distinguish between good and evil with the importance of satisfying their own needs, following the norms and rules established by society, and eventually achieving higher values related to the spiritual sphere of personality . It is established that the overwhelming majority of students have a high and average level of moral and ethical responsibility, which testifies to highly developed reflection and intuition in solving conflicting life situations, high morality and existential responsibility. Thus, this sample is suitable for a thorough study of the features of moral consciousness, its manifestations and psychosemantic organization.
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