Individual and psychological features of future psychologists’ target orientation




goal orientation, youth, purpose, altruistic position, rational position, self-centered position, psychological education.


This article presents a new theoretical and empirical consideration of  student's goal orientationy with an emphasis on the role of psychological education in its development. Targeting in this research  is addressed through features such as systematicity, resilience, hierarchy, and is related to the whole system of personality characteristics. Students were subjected to analysis such as: defining a goal by realizing what is to be achieved, predicting the way to achieve it, as well as the ability to subordinate actions and actions to a chosen goal, unwavering desire for it, which is manifested in the ability for a long time to maintain the goal and organize their behavior for its implementation. Positions of personality (egocentric, rational, altruistic) that accompany manifestations of target orientation of different degree (low, medium, high) are characterized. The egocentric position assumes satisfaction of biological and material needs, mercantile-utilitarian motivation. A rational position is to meet social needs, pragmatic and prestigious motivation. An altruistic position is defined as the satisfaction of spiritual needs in creative and internal motivation in accordance with the activities performed. Based on the analysis of the results of the development of the goal orientation of students' personality in different courses of study in the specialty psychology, it was found that the fourth year students have higher indicators of altruistic and rational position. They show a positive attitude towards themselves, others, understanding their needs and problems, desire to help, increasing emotional resistance to high and medium levels, positive shifts in accepting their own shortcomings, perceiving their own self-image, increasing their level of independence and organization, self-determination. in life, the development of the ability to set specific goals and their timely implementation, increasing the level of educational motivation.


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How to Cite

Myropoltseva, N. (2019). Individual and psychological features of future psychologists’ target orientation. Psychological Prospects Journal, 34, 107-118.

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