Personal characteristics of youth psychological resilience in war conditions
resilience, coping strategies, mental health, psychological well-being, personalityAbstract
Purpose. The article contains a theoretical study and empirical research of youth psychological stability manifestations in war conditions.
Methods. Five research methods were used to study resilience: Methodology for studying coping behavior in stressful situations N. Endler, J. Parker, the method "Cognitive features of subjective well-being (KOSB-3)" O. Savchenko, O. Kalyuk, questionnaire "Stability of mental health - short form" (K. Keys) adaptation of E.L. Nosenko, A.G. Chetverik-Burchak, Resilience Scale (CD-RISC-10) and five-factor tipi personality questionnaire (TIPI-UKR). For statistical data processing, the Pearson correlation coefficient was calculated.
Results. According to the theoretical analysis results, we consider resilience as the individual ability to maintain internal stability in crisis circumstances. As an empirical investigations result, positive correlations of psychological stability with the coping strategy of task-solving orientation, satisfaction with one's own life, satisfaction with relationships with others, and the general level of life satisfaction were revealed. Directly proportional correlations of psychological stability with the general indicator of individual’s mental health stability, hedonic, social and psychological well-being were also revealed. There is a connection of resilience with such personality traits as friendliness, conscientiousness, emotional stability and openness to new experiences. An inverse correlation with the emotion-oriented coping strategy was revealed.
Conclusions. Empirical results confirmed the idea of resilience as a multi-level structure of personal characteristics manifested at the behavioral (constructive coping strategies), affective (ability to regulate emotions, emotional stability) and cognitive (openness to new experiences) level. The research prospects are the training program creation for the young people psychological resilience development in the war conditions based on the identified correlations.
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