Comparison Socio-Psychological Characteristics of Professional Development of Students of Different Specialties (Spiritual and Secular Universities)




Profession, formation, spiritual, university, psychologists, religion, theologians


The article is devoted to the study the socio-psychological differences in professional formation of students of different specialties in spiritual and secular universities (psychologists, religious scholars, theologians). The analysis of such differences were considered within the stages of professional formation (adaptation, mastery and implementation). To achieve the purpose of the study, a complex of 15 psychodiagnostic techniques was used. The obtained results allow to state that there are statistically significant differences between groups (p <0,05). At the stage of adaptation, differences in the professional orientation (motives of the choice of profession), sociometric structure of groups and religiosity of students of different specialties were revealed.At the stage of mastering the professional knowledge and skills, differences between students of different specialties were found in the motivation of educational activities, assessment of teachers, satisfaction with educational activities and the harmony of motivational orientations in professional communication. At the implementation stage, statistically significant differences between representatives of different specialties were revealed in such indicators as communicative competence, professional speech and value orientations. Religious universities’ students compared with other groups demonstrated lesser indexes of sociometric status, assessment of teachers’ psychological and pedagogical skills, a motivational orientations’ harmony in professional commu­nication and communication skills. However, they demonstrated more developed social and professional orientation in career choices and in training activities, religiosity personalities and spiritual values.

In general, there were no statistically significant differences in the indicators of personal significance for a student of social learning environment, adaptability in communication, creative and organizational abilities. Prospects for the study are to develop ways to promote the professional formation of students.


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How to Cite

Kostruba, N. (2018). Comparison Socio-Psychological Characteristics of Professional Development of Students of Different Specialties (Spiritual and Secular Universities). Psychological Prospects Journal, 31, 153-170.

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