
  • Kateryna Shkarlatiuk Lutsk National Technical University
  • Viktor Koshyrets Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University
  • Alla Hubina Lutsk National Technical University



personal qualities, professional image, sports coach, professional value orientations, communicative competence, image formation


Purpose. Grounding psychological conditions and ways of forming a professional image based on the disclosure of the structure and image characteristics of a sports coach.

Methods. The following theoretical and empirical methods were used: analysis, synthesis, generalization; a complex of psychodiagnostic methods which allowed to reveal the content and functional parameters of the professional image. For statistical data processing, the Spearman’s coefficient was calculated.

Results. The professional image of a sports coach as a factor of the effectiveness of professional activity is an image of a personality determined by the requirements of the profession and consisting of a relatively constant core (self-concept, social role, values of professional activity and interaction, professionally significant personal qualities) and an external component (culture of communication, choice of a certain model of behavior).

Conclusions. A positive professional image depends on the inner «Self» of a coach: a system of values, beliefs, interests, desires. Such a person has his own dignity, self-respect, is able to be responsible for himself and his future, high professional self-esteem, flexibility in finding creative alternatives. Individual and psychological characteristics of the coach’s personality, which are determinants of the formation of an effective professional image and their manifestation when working with teams, can be used in the process of forming the professional image of a sports coach. The evaluative and productive aspect of the significance of professional activity is based on the synthesis of ideas about the physical and spiritual state of the professional, the influence of colleagues, appearance, professional competencies necessary in the course of performing production tasks.


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How to Cite

Shkarlatiuk, K., Koshyrets, V., & Hubina, A. (2024). PSYCHOLOGICAL BASIS OF FORMING A SPORTS COACH’S PROFESSIONAL IMAGE. Psychological Prospects Journal, 44, 172-183.

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