Psychological analysis of the problems of psycho-emotional states of individuals in the conditions of separation
psychological separation, independence, correction, regulation, self-assessment of the emotional state, child-parent relations, family education strategiesAbstract
Purpose. The article reveals the socio-psychological phenomenon of separation, as well as the peculiarities of the psycho-emotional states of the student's personality in conditions of separation. The purpose was to investigate the characteristics of psycho-emotional states of the individual in the conditions of separation.
Methods. To achieve the set goals, the following were used: J. Hoffmann's method of psychological separation from parents in youth (adapted by A. Shirok); Wessman-Ricks method of self-assessment of emotional state; questionnaire of child-parent emotional relationships (ODBEV) E.I. Zakharova; S.S. Stepanov's "Strategy of Family Education" method in the modification of I.I. Makhonina; correlational analysis.
Results. The study of psychological independence showed that the vast majority of respondents showed an average level of "independence" in relations with parents. However, a third of the respondents – have more independence from their mother than from their father. Emotional independence and independence in attitudes are formed the fastest in the respondents. The high level of the general indicator of the emotional state, is characteristic of half of the respondents, a quarter of the students have a low level, and the rest have an average level of the indicator. Investigation of child-parent emotional relationships confirm that the emotional relationships between parents and children are within the norm. In general, indicators are higher than criteria. However, such scales as "empathy", "providing emotional support" in the majority of diagnosed patients have indicators below the criteria, which indicates the deficiency of the corresponding characteristic. The results of the study of the parenting style in the family demonstrate that the democratic parenting style prevails, while the indifferent parenting style was the least evident. Correlation analysis helped to reveal a direct connection between the relationship with parents and the self-assessment of the emotional state, with the emotional relationships of children and parents, as well as with the parenting strategy in the family. Emotional sphere is a factor in successful or unsuccessful separation - the higher the level of energy in the diagnosed, the more pleasant feelings arise in the parents during the interaction and conversely.
Conclusions. The psycho-emotional states of the individual are interrelated with the success of the separation processes in youth-parent relations. We consider the factors of successful separation to be: features of psychological independence; emotional states of both parents and young people; child-parent emotional relationships; parenting style in the family.
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