Psychological readiness of inclusive education specialists to work with children with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD)
inclusive competence, special educational needs, social adaptation difficulties, targeted psychological and pedagogical correctionAbstract
Purpose. To carry out a theoretical and methodological analysis of the educational difficulties of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and the methods of their psychological and pedagogical support as important knowledge for the formation of the psychological readiness of inclusive education specialists to work with such children.
Methods. Theoretical analysis of special literature; normative documents of inclusive education; comparison of views of researchers; non-standardized observation of the activities of successful specialists and analysis of methods of their influence; observation of the manifestations of inclusive education specialists in supervision situations; interviewing them in the form of a conversation about the biggest difficulties in working with children with special needs.
Results. The dependence of the psychological readiness of inclusive education specialists (psychologist, teacher, assistant, speech therapist, correctional teacher, rehabilitator) to work with children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) on knowledge and understanding of the specifics of development, needs, behavior and methods of working with such children was analyzed . The developmental symptoms and phenomenology of difficulties in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are described. The specifics of the special educational needs of children with autistic traits are defined and the principles and strategies of working with them, which every specialist in inclusive education should possess, are proposed.
Conclusions. Psychological readiness to work with children with special educational needs (SEN) is a prerequisite for the formation of inclusive competence of an inclusive education specialist. The psychological readiness of inclusive education specialists to work with children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) largely depends on their awareness of the specifics of these children's development and methods of influencing their behavior. The main features of the development of a child with ASD are impaired communication, social interaction and stereotypies - obsessive and persistent specific behavioral manifestations. Psychological and pedagogical support of a child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) involves a structured, visually reinforced organization of space, time and activity; special training of models of educational behavior and timely prevention of "behavioral breakdowns". It is impossible and unnecessary to solve the problems of psychopathological behavioral disorders by the efforts of only specialists of the educational institution, the consolidation of the family, medical specialists and specialists of inclusive education is important.
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