Emotional Stability of Personality: Theoretical Construction and Мethodological Reflection of the Problem


  • Oksana Lukasevich Zaporizhzhіa National University


emotions, emotional stability, psychological stability, self-regulation, self-organization, self-development, self-realization


Theoretical analysis of modern scientific representations about emotional stability allowed revealing various understanding of essence of this phenomenon. The subject-activity and systematic approaches to an emotional stability are described according from this perspective. The paper presents the problems of emotional stability considering human personality with individual ability to save and to keep the integrity for development under  internal and external circumstances.

According to theoretical positions of subject-activity and systemic approaches, emotional  stability is considered as the result of an  integrated   functional  system of

own emotional self-regulation, as a systemic properties of personality in the unity of emotional, intellectual, volitional components of mental activity.

It was revealed that providing emotional stability involves the formation of subject properties: activity, responsibility, reflexivity, commitment, ability to self- regulation and self-government. The formation of these properties connected with the reflection of personal life, values and knowledge of value priorities, prediction of the future, the implementation of responsible life choices, resistance to negative psycho- logical effects, the ability to convert external difficulties in their development factor.

Author Biography

  • Oksana Lukasevich, Zaporizhzhіa National University

    кандидат психологічних наук, доцент кафедри практичної психології Запорізького національного університету


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How to Cite

Lukasevich, O. (2015). Emotional Stability of Personality: Theoretical Construction and Мethodological Reflection of the Problem. Psychological Prospects Journal, 25, 142-151. https://psychoprospects.vnu.edu.ua/index.php/psychoprospects/article/view/109

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