Peculiarities of Loneliness Emotional Experience Among Persons of Early Preadult Age


  • Tetiana Fedotova Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University


loneliness, loneliness emotional experience, solitude, alienation, isolation


Understanding of loneliness emotional experience in the categories: feelings, process, life position, condition, necessity was analyzed in the article. The main theoretical approaches were observed in the study of loneliness emotional experience in western psychological science: psychoanalytical (Sigmund Freud, Gregory Zilboorg, Harry Stack Sullivan, and others), phenomenological (Carl Rogers and others), socio-psychological (Carol Bowman, David Riesman, Stanley           F. Slater and others), interactionist (Franz Rudolf von Weiss, V. Sermat and others), cognitive (L. A. Peplau, Stuart D. Perlman, Aaron T. Beck and others), existential-humanistic (Clark E. Moustakas, Abraham Maslow, Erich Seligmann Fromm and others), intimate approach (Valerian Derlega, Margulis Mikhail and others), system-wide (S. Flanders and others), interdisciplinary (William Samuel Sadler and others). It was found out empirically that people in their early preadult age can have some peculiarities of emotional experience of loneliness. Even in case of low level of subjective loneliness in most cases there will be present deep emotional experience of loneliness; among the types of loneliness there are: diffuse type that is characterized by suspiciousness in interpersonal relations and combination of contradicting personal and behavioral characteristics (in condition of very deep emotional experience of loneliness – it is characterized by the desire to improve relations with other people hoping to find sense of own being and own significance); alienated type that is displayed in expressed inability to cooperate, suspiciousness and dependence in interpersonal relations, losing of significant contacts, intimacy, alienation from the norms and values that are accepted in the society; dissociated type that manifests itself in anxiety, demonstrativeness of character, confrontation of selfishness and subordination in interpersonal relations.

Author Biography

  • Tetiana Fedotova, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University

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How to Cite

Fedotova, T. (2015). Peculiarities of Loneliness Emotional Experience Among Persons of Early Preadult Age. Psychological Prospects Journal, 26, 297-307.

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