Preventive and correctional assistance to deprived children with symptoms of psychoemotional burnout




deprived children, different types of deprivation, psychoemotional burnout, psychophysical exhaustion, prevention, psychocorrection, revitalization, psychoprophylaxis, medial-reflexive training.


Psychological peculiarities of providing preventive and correctional assistance to deprived children with symptoms of psychoemotional burnout are revealed in the article. It is stated, that due to the negative influence of multimodal limitations of socio and psychogenesis, parental care deprived children experience numerous depreciating mental states. Deprivate children inherent general affective personality imbalance, high emotional tension and anxiety, increased levels of neuroticism and loneliness as well as feelings of helplessness and distrust to surrounding people. Deprivation leads to much more frequent and stronger psychoemotional burnout of children comparing with peers age population. Providing psychorehabilitation assistance to deprived children should proceed as the development of productive and developmental programs of personality self-preservation aimed at "anti-burnout" vectors of psychological resistance to discomfort factors and circumstances of complicated development. The problem of prophylaxis and psychocorrection of psychoemotional burnout requires the implementation of systemic preventive measures, which should be carried out by specialists of the psychological and pedagogical assistance service of boarding schools, first of all, as psychohygienic and psychoprophylactic influence on the deprived pupils. It is emphasized, that important task is activization in deprived children with symptoms of psychoemotional burnout of those most important features and parameters of their personality psychostructure, which can significantly reduce the risk of exhaustion and frustration. It is necessary to cultivate partner communication skills, sociability, emotional and behavioral flexibility, creativity, operational and creative thinking, because it promotes the acquisition of abilities and skills of quick orientation in the changing conditions of communication in order to neutralize the possible conflicts and psychotraumas. The necessity to provide the deprived children with revitalization assistance is stated, in particular through the implementation of medial-reflexive training.


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How to Cite

Hoshovska, D., & Hoshovskyi, Y. (2019). Preventive and correctional assistance to deprived children with symptoms of psychoemotional burnout. Psychological Prospects Journal, 34, 24-35.

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