Deviant specificity of self-awareness of a person with food addiction: a theoretical perspective of the problem
personality, self-awareness, deviation, food addiction, human eating disorders, deviant addiction, food advertisingAbstract
Purpose. The article provides a theoretical analysis of the psychological features of the self-awareness of a person with food addiction, in particular from the perspective of deviance.
Methods. To realize the goal of the research, methods of scientific theoretical study were used: analysis, synthesis, abstraction, generalization.
Results. A review of the scientific and psychological sources made it possible to state that the problem of addictive eating behavior of an individual has a very complicated effect on his self-awareness and is closely connected with deviance. A person with food addiction is subject to negative stereotyping, mockery, handicapping, segregation and other humiliating attitudes. This can impose a traumatic stigma on him/her and lead to seclusion, self-escape, or even deviant behavior patterns. Food addiction correlates with food deprivation and is accompanied by numerous personal complexes and manifestations, anorexia nervosa, bulimia, compulsive overeating, etc. Eating disorders are commensurate with pathogenicity, cause the emergence of ambivalence, cognitive-affective imbalance, which generally negatively affects the quality of self-awareness and self-realization in micro- and macro-society.
Conclusions. In the context of the study of deviant behavior of a person, a special important place is occupied by food addictions, which significantly complicate the personal psycho- and sociogenesis of a person. Self-awareness of a person with eating disorders occurs in a very specific and problematic way, since the basic human instinct for food is affected, therefore, fluctuations in self-esteem, shakiness of self-acceptance, diffuse self-identification, etc. are typical. Food advertising often plays a manipulative role in stimulating the deviant-addictive vector of consumption, identification and self-realization of a person. Food addictions block full-fledged self-awareness, in particular, positive self-understanding and self-acceptance by a person of his/her physicality, and usually negatively affect his/her psychophysical health.
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