Psychogenesis Peculiarities of Professional Identification of Contemporary Students


  • Daria Hoshovska Східноєвропейський національний університет імені Лесі Українки


students, identification, identity, professional identification, genetic psychology, genetic and psychological methodological principle


The article deals with the psychological peculiarities of professional identification of modern students. The basic conceptual positions of genetic psychology are revealed, postulated as powerful methodological basis of studying and development of professional identity of students. Key principle of genetic psychology (by S. Maksymenko) is applied, which explains the process of acquiring the identity of personality in the light of systemic determinism and continuous development. It is outlined that according to genetic and psychological tradition, psyche is complex multi-level system of interrelated and interdependent spatial and temporal conscious and unconscious relations, between which exists informational and energetical interaction at the level of individual components and joint activity properties. It is determined that acquisition of personal identity is pointed out to the rank of basic, fundamental human needs because confirms its ability to find its identical oneself as in dimensions of individual existence, so in the space of pro­fessional self-realization. It is emphasized that non-acquiring of constructs of professional self-awareness and identity or ignoring them is manifested in individual and social dimensions, primarily in identification disorders, amorphousness of self-determination and unbalancing of many other parameters of personality psychostruc­ture. It is noted that important key to acquire the professional identity is use of the principle of integrity in the light of the studying the widest network of communicative and perceptual relations of student, finding the main triggers and barriers of commu­nication in these relationships, separating the factors of  most significant influence on the formation of its integration / disintegration. The importance of pro­fessional psychological support of the complex process of self-organization as incli­nation, intention and desire of student to identification changes, is revealed. The main content and semantic, structural and functional components of identification are highlighted is reflected as the fundamental phenomenon, open for a further study.

Author Biography

  • Daria Hoshovska, Східноєвропейський національний університет імені Лесі Українки

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How to Cite

Hoshovska, D. (2015). Psychogenesis Peculiarities of Professional Identification of Contemporary Students. Psychological Prospects Journal, 26, 73-84.

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