The Prospects for Empirical Studies of the Social and Psychological Adaptation of Migrants by Means of Leisure and Dance Practices


  • Andrii Smotritsky Institute of Social and Political Psychology of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


migrants’ social and psychological adaptation, leisure and dance practices, mechanisms of migrants’ social and psychological adaptation, positive social identity, subject-subject interaction


This article explores the features of empirical study of social and psychological adaptation of migrants practicing leisure and dance activities. It provides the data on social perception of migrants with respect to the process and the result of adaptation to the new social conditions, obtained as a result of the association experiment. We have provided characteristics and principles of the sample formation. We have substantiated the use of an expert assessment method after conducting content analysis and outlined the study results. We have emphasized the importance of creating a positive social identity in the process of social and psychological adaptation of migrants. The empirical research instruments of social identity have been also presented. We have also outlined the characteristics of the partnership (subject-subject) interaction which reflects the migrants social perception of the interaction optimal method with the local communities. We have suggested hypotheses of viewing leisure and dance practices as a means of migrants and local citizens’ mutual social and psychological adaptation. We have defined the components of leisure and dance practices as well as identified the behavioural indicators of their expert assessment. An attempt was made to operationalize the concept of «leisure and dance practice». Mechanisms of migrants’ social and psychological adaptation of leisure and dance practices (subcultural identification, emotional and behavioural attunement, expression by stylistic improvisation) have been defined and methodology for their empirical study has been suggested. As indicators of these mechanisms effectiveness the following psychological categories were used: positive social identity, accuracy and adequacy of interpersonal perception, social creativity. The article substantiates the conceptual model of an empirical study of migrants’ social and psychological adaptation through leisure and dance practices. We have come to conclusions and pointed out the prospects for further studies of leisure and dance practices for the development of trainings in the field of migrants’ social and psychological adaptation, as well as for the new employees of various companies and organizations.

Author Biography

  • Andrii Smotritsky, Institute of Social and Political Psychology of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

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How to Cite

Smotritsky, A. (2015). The Prospects for Empirical Studies of the Social and Psychological Adaptation of Migrants by Means of Leisure and Dance Practices. Psychological Prospects Journal, 26, 275-284.

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