Ukrainians in the war conditions: characteristics of the experience of threats and consequences for identity
social identity, identity threats, social changes, security, warAbstract
Purpose. The relevance of the study is caused by the long war with the Russian Federation, the consequences of which were reflected at all levels of social life. This has become a real test for citizens of Ukraine, when it is necessary to quickly make decisions regarding their own safety and the safety of their relatives, finding a new job, moving to another part of Ukraine, returning to the territories freed from occupation, etc. Such changes are accompanied by gaining new life experience, rethinking values, revising one's beliefs, finding support in oneself and in one's environment, self-determination in new spheres of activity. The paper aim of the research was to empirically investigate how, depending on the manifestations of the identity of the citizens of Ukraine, changes in behavior occur in dangerous conditions.
Methods. Online survey, frequency analysis, comparative analysis according to Kruskal-Wallis test, interpretation and generalization of empirical research results.
Results. Social and psychological changes in the behavior of citizens as a result of the impact of the war, depending on their identity, have been revealed. The Civil-European identity proved to be the most resistant to the war. Respondents with this identity experienced the most trauma, but they were able to maintain trust in people, control over their own lives and hope for the best, which characterizes a high level of adaptation to wartime conditions. Respondents with a low manifestation of civic identity, although they have a low level of traumatization, but they have a loss of trust in other people, inertia regarding their own beliefs and values under the influence of war, lack of reflection on their own behavior in conditions of danger, increased hopelessness, feeling like a victim of circumstances and loss of control over the course of one's life.
Conclusions. On the basis of the obtained data, the social and psychological effects of community interaction in the conditions of military-political confrontation will be highlighted and strategies for understanding within Ukrainian society between communities with opposite political preferences and views will be developed.
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