Game Modeling Representations of Human Life Activity in Uncertainty Conditions


  • Oleg Khairulin The National Defence University of Ukraine



life activity, representation, game, model, modeling, disposition, taxonomy, function, existential, interiorization, exteriorization, symbol, genesis


Purpose. Features of modernity that correspond to the features of a world dominated by volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity, threats of using such features as means of geopolitical influence, conditions of a full-scale russian-ukrainian war, the necessity restoration for a safe environment throughout the territory of Ukraine requires effective proposals from domestic psychology to ensure human life in the given conditions. A well-founded system-forming position for this increasingly appears as a game as a universal socio-cultural phenomenon and an integral factor of human self-realization, and game modeling as a way and method of human life activity in uncertainty. The purpose of the article is a theoretical study of the psychological regularities of game representation in the aspects of modeling human life, substantiation of psychological content, functional essence, classification of representations as an attributive factor of game modeling of human life in uncertainty conditions.

Methods. The research uses methods of analysis and systematization for psychological and interdisciplinary approaches in the study of representation and modeling of human life activities, theoretical reconstruction and classification of the psychological content and functional essence for the game modeling representation of human life activities in current living conditions.

Results. Based on the results of the research, the categorical and conceptual content and functional essence for game modeling representations of human life activity in uncertainty conditions were specified. The attribution of representation in the game modeling aspects is updated and substantiated. The definition of "game modeling representations of human life activity in uncertainty conditions" and the corresponding classification are proposed. Scientific ideas about representation, game and game modeling are deepened. It was established that the game modeling representations of human life activity in uncertainty conditions is a universal, pragmatic, attributive phenomenon; non-specific mental formation; the way of life of a person and a social group, which occurs simultaneously in two complementary dimensions: a) the intrasubjective space of a person as an interiorizational mental representation and b) in the external activity dimension as a deed, activity representation of exteriorization.

Conclusions. The results of the study allow us to draw conclusions about the relevance of continuing psychological explorations for game modeling representations of human life activity in uncertainty conditions. The clarifying regularities tasks of influence for representations on psychological well-being and productivity of individual and group activities are considered promising.


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How to Cite

Khairulin, O. (2024). Game Modeling Representations of Human Life Activity in Uncertainty Conditions. Psychological Prospects Journal, 43, 181-202.

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