Constructive psychology as a technology for human psyche transformation


  • Zhanna Virna Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University



constructive psychology, constructive / destructive psyche development, technological knowledge, psychotechnologies, constructive psychologist


Purpose. The article is devoted to the constructive psychology theoretical justification as a science of optimal functioning, effective reproduction and integral development of a person during the life. The purpose of the theoretical review is the methodological substantiation of constructive psychology as a technology in the psychological science functional structure.

Methods. The basis is the method of psychological modeling as a theoretical reproduction of the logic of the constructive psychology development as a human psyche transforming technology.

Results. The theoretical justification of the problem includes consideration of the constructive psychology formation stages and options for their interpretation. An overview of the philosophical direction of constructivism and the main constructivist approaches (radical constructivism, social constructivism, constructive alternativeism) is carried out. Based on these approaches, the basic developmental and humanitarian positions of constructive psychology, its structure and main functions are described, and its scientific transformative intent in the study of the human psyche is emphasized. A scientific knowledge levels scheme of psychology is proposed and technological knowledge of constructive psychology is defined as an epistemological product of its reflexive functioning. In the methodological situation of psychology development, constructive psychology is assigned the role of integrating knowledge about the development of the human psyche. The issue of training constructive psychologists as specialists in applied fields of psychology, who will be able to implement the theory and practice of self-management in social and applied spheres, has been updated. The main tasks of the constructive psychologist, his methodological base and areas of application of his professional knowledge and skills, requirements for his personality and efficiency of activity are outlined.

Conclusions. Psychological education with the involvement of constructive psychology will provide an opportunity to improve the psychological education main criteria and indicators of the quality.


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How to Cite

Virna, Z. (2023). Constructive psychology as a technology for human psyche transformation. Psychological Prospects Journal, 41, 41-54.

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