Causes and Consequences of Women’s Crisis States


  • Олена Євгеніївна Фальова H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University


crisis circumstances, crises factors, traumatic situation, features of reaction in crisis situation, types of traumatic situations, symptoms PTSD, criteria of posttraumatic stress disorder, crisis types, levels of crisis states, emotionally-cognitive reaction, personal transformations, crisis states psychotherapy (psychotherapy of crisis states)


Importance and relevance of problem of women’s crisis conditions, both as at the sphere of theoretical researches and at the sphere of practical psychology and psychotherapy are highlighted in this article. Causes and consequences of women’s crisis conditions are analyzed here. Universal and specific factors, which cause emergence of crisis conditions, are defined. Symptomatology of crisis conditions was analyzed and the analogy with symptomatology of post-traumatic stressful frustration was carried out. Types of traumatic situations, basic symptoms of PTSD and criteria of post-traumatic stressful frustration were examined. The features of reactions in crisis situation and basic mental disorders of women were determined. Gender features of men’s and women’s reaction in difficult stressful situations were analyzed. It was determined, that any crisis is very considerable, influencing development of woman’s identity. Depending on constructive or destructive way for individual development in future, life way is formed. It was revealed that negative individual experiences, family crisis, leads to socially-psychological disadaptation of woman’s personality and then under nonprofessional help to the deviant, asocial behaviuor, psychological and psychosomatic frustrations, suicides, development of depressive and phobia symptomatology, hostility, feeling of anger, activating painful memories. In the social context it causes the avoiding events, subjects and things connected or associated with psychotrauma, the reduction of social contacts and communication. The necessity of psychotherapy for individual crises states is emphasized in the article.

Author Biography

  • Олена Євгеніївна Фальова, H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University

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How to Cite

Фальова, О. Є. (2015). Causes and Consequences of Women’s Crisis States. Psychological Prospects Journal, 25, 240-256.

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