Psychological Features of Social Identity of Deprived Teenagers: From Revitalization Perspective




deprivation, family deprivation, teenagers, self-consciousness, identification, social identity, boarding school.


It’s observed that becoming teenagers children, who have a lack of family care, feel the negative influence and powerful pressure not only of diversity of deprivation, but of the age-related adolescent psychophysical regularities, in particular, it focuses on the feature of puberty as heterochronic pubescence, crisis effects of transferring from the primary to the secondary school, conflict and problem character of interpersonal communication, experience of various complexes etc. It’s found out that as a result of being in the force field of essences and traditions of the boarding school and because of absence of one’s own parents as examples for subconscious and conscious imitation, deprived children have got increased inner conflict, ambivalence, trying of avoidance or loneliness. and other passive and uncomfortable behavioural tendencies that have a very bad influence on the forming of social identity. It was set up that deprived mode of children’s life-being is an obstacle in the way of  the full personal development and ability to self-realization. It’s theoretical and empirically proved that unfamilial upbringing in the boarding schools or other institutes without parents forms the blockade of the basic needs in affiliation, stimulates the learning of wrong family, sexual, status and role identity models. According to the investigation, the deprived teenagers are predisposed to pliability and internal self-conflict, they want an avoidance and intend to equation first of all by a reflexive self-prosecution. It is significant that deprived children need psychological pedagogical revitalized accompaniment for making the skills of successful positive self-acceptance and receiving of full personal and social identity.


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How to Cite

Hoshovska, D., & Hoshovskyi, Y. (2018). Psychological Features of Social Identity of Deprived Teenagers: From Revitalization Perspective. Psychological Prospects Journal, 31, 71-82.

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