Psychological Peculiarities of Professional Career Development of State Officials


  • Alla Mudryk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University



professional career, professional becoming of a personality, stages of professional becoming of a specialist


The article represents the problem working out results related to the psychological peculiarities of professional career development of state officials. The conceptions of foreign and domestic scientists about this phenomenon have been highlighted. The peculiarities of career formation of a personality have been considered in two directions: structural and processual. The stages of career becoming of a specialist have been outlined and described: adaptive, internal and stagnant. The model of professional stages formation of state officials of employment centers has been presented. It has been revealed, that public service pace of career development of specialists differs from the pace of professional becoming of employees in business structures. In addition, the analysis of job promotion testifies the spontaneity of career growth of state officials, the irregularity of working experience in position, the formation of so-called career deadlocks or high-speed landing careers. These career anomalies adversely affect the promotion of labor and professional feedback from state officials, support of favorable social psychological climate of their environment. Negative phenomenon, although typical for domestic public service, is a high-speed career. Its content lies in a rapid job promotion or in admission to public office (often of very high level) of persons without appropriate practice and professional experience. In practice, a state official, before appointment to high position, must pass all the steps that precede it. This requirement is dictated by the interests of society, based on the support of high authority of the state and respect for its laws.


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How to Cite

Mudryk, A. (2019). Psychological Peculiarities of Professional Career Development of State Officials. Psychological Prospects Journal, 33, 192-204.

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