Correlation of Lexical-emantic Processing Information Speed with Students’ Academic Success and Intelligence


  • Dmytro Vlasiuk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University


basic cognitive processes, intelligence, semantic meaning, speed of information processing


Recent empirical data suggests the existence of several basic cognitive processes that provide intellectual activity. It is shown that this approach is based on  theoretical  principles  and  models of the structure of intelligence D. Marra, B. M. Velichkovsky, L. V. Zasiekina. The special role of semantic value in processing information is highlighted.  The  basic cognitive processes – speed  of  information  processing,  working  memory, the formation of associative links,  implicit  learning  are  analyzed.  It  is  shown  that information processing speed  is  widely  spread  and  deeply  studied category in the scientific researches. The analysis  of  the  history  of  speed  of mental processes researches has been done. The results of empirical research of the connection of speed lexical-semantic processing of information on progress and academic achievements of students are also represented. The study involved 51 students of Lutsk National  Technical  University.  The  high  predictive  ability of the method of the identical and dissimilar words differentiation for current academic achievement of students is detected.

Author Biography

  • Dmytro Vlasiuk, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University

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How to Cite

Vlasiuk, D. (2015). Correlation of Lexical-emantic Processing Information Speed with Students’ Academic Success and Intelligence. Psychological Prospects Journal, 25, 23-34.

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