Psycholinguistic Diagnostics and Reorganization of Personality’s Negative Core Beliefs


  • Larysa Zasiekina Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University


negative core beliefs, subjectively experienced feeling, rejection/ lack of love, helplessness/low achievements, helplessness/low control, propositional analysis, psycholinguistic reorganization


The results of theoretical and empirical study of individual core beliefs as deep cognitive constructs connected with behavior are represented in the article. The individual core beliefs are treated as a system of subjectively experienced feeling of conscious or unconscious nature which expresses the attitude of personality towards himself/ herself, the world and other people. 72 students of Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European University, 18–22 years old, 28 man and 44 women were asked during 5 min. to write thoughts (about themselves, others and the world), which decrease their efficiency in different life spheres. The results of experimental study allowed revealing three groups of core beliefs: rejection/ lack of love (17,3 %); helplessness/low achievements (56,4 %);  helples­sness/low control (25,6 %). The results of propositional analysis show that the most typical structure for propositions of core beliefs with helplessness/low achievements is represented by internal argument, attitude of negative modality, external object of signi­ficant life spheres, context of concreate time and space. Psycholinguistic reorgani­zation of the proposition of these core beliefs is connected with transformation of internal argument into external, changing negative modality of the attitude for positive one. The most typical structure for propositions of core beliefs with rejection/ lack of love is represented by external argument, attitude of negative modality and context with indefinite time. Psycholinguistic reorganization of the proposition of these core beliefs is connected with transformation of external argument into internal, changing negative modality of the attitude for positive one, defining the exact time of individual action. The proposition of core beliefs with helplessness/low control is represented by internal argument, attitude of negative modality and external object of significant events and people. Psycholinguistic reorganization of the proposition of these core beliefs is connected with expansion of internal argument by adding external ones, which allow disclosing different factors of life events and decrease the individual responsibility for everything that has happened.

Author Biography

  • Larysa Zasiekina, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University

    доктор психологічних наук, про­фесор, завідувач кафедри загальної та соціальної психології Східноєвропейського національного університету імені Лесі Українки


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How to Cite

Zasiekina, L. (2015). Psycholinguistic Diagnostics and Reorganization of Personality’s Negative Core Beliefs. Psychological Prospects Journal, 26, 143-156.

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