Representation of Negative vs. Traumaticevents in Individual Memory
The results of theoretical and experimental research of life events
representation in individual memory are highlighted in the article. The differences between autobiographical and traumatic memory based on differentiation of emotionally negative and traumatic events were established. The differences in the propositional structures of representation separate emotionally negative and traumatic
events were revealed. The differences show the specifics of coding and encoding traumatic events which leads to the specifics in their recalling. This fact can play the important role for treating PTSD. The predominance of external agent in traumatic events vs. negative events representation was revealed. It shows the awareness of
different objective factors of the traumatic event and traumatic situation. The external agents in traumatic events representation are accompanied with the higher number of sentences, which proves the idea about vividness and easiness of traumatic events recalling. The correlation between external agent and different propositional structural
elements (attitude, external object, time) and psycholinguistic indices (number of words and sentences, lexical density) were revealed. It is in line with the idea about deep awareness of traumatic situation, diminishing the internal role and personal significance in traumatic event, which decreases the feeling of guilt and impedes development of PTSD. The future research will study the differences in traumatic events representation among individuals with PTSD which can improve the
techniques for PTSD treatment.
Keywords: autobiographical memory, traumatic memory, emotionally negative events, traumatic event, propositional structural elements.
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