Subjective Approach to theoretical and Methodological Principles of Studying the Addiction


  • Iryna Bieriushcheva Institute of Social and Political Psychology of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


addiction, dependence, self-regulation, subject, subjectivity, subjective approach, reflection


The article deals with the theoretical and methodological foundations of studying the personality’s addiction phenomenon. The theoretical analysis of understanding the given phenomenon was carried out from the different approaches perspectives, namely, clinical and psycho­logical, phenomeno­logical and subject approaches. The essence of subject approach is disclosed, the possibility of its use in studying the phenomenon of dependence in the system of psychological phenomena is justified. It is proved that within subjective approach it is possible to reveal intrinsic understanding of dependence: to find out the place of dependence in the system of the psychological pheno­mena, to describe typological characteristics of self-control, to define individual personal sense of dependent behavior, to analyse external and internal mechanisms of its emergence, to connect manifestations of dependence with stagnation of personal development and loss of subjectivity of the personality.

The concept “subjectivity” is disclosed, theoretically proved that the use of this category considerably expands borders of interpretation of dependence, reveals its intrinsic characteristics, allows to unite external and internal determinants of dependent behavior. Different views of classics of psychological science and modern scientists concerning the concept of dependence of the personality in different contexts are analysed.

The use of the subjective approach does not only give the chance to reveal intrinsic understanding of the dependence phenomenon, but also opens new opportunities for empirical researches of this phenomenon, in particular, communicative dependence, and also provides research activity of a number of diagnostic tools for its study.

Author Biography

  • Iryna Bieriushcheva, Institute of Social and Political Psychology of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

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How to Cite

Bieriushcheva, I. (2015). Subjective Approach to theoretical and Methodological Principles of Studying the Addiction. Psychological Prospects Journal, 26, 21-29.

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