Professional Responsibility of the Subject: Personal-Situational Approach


  • Muroslava Sadova Odessa I.I.Mechnikov National University


professional responsibility, cognitive, emotional, and behavioral components of effective professional liability, professional liability structure, subject, object, instance of responsibility, personal-situational approach.


The article reflects the content of professional responsibility as a profes- sionally meaningful quality of the individual which is the result of the analysis and synthesis of the points of view of native and foreign scientists on the issue of responsi- bility, author`s understanding of this phenomenon in the context of personal-situational approach.

Theoretical and methodological analysis of the phenomenon of professional responsibility allowed fixing multiple scientific theories and approaches to revealing structure of individual professional responsibility. Among them there are three- component structure (L. Dementii, A. G. Spyrkin, V. F. Safin, T. N. Sidorov, M. A. Glow) factor (A. P. Pryadeyin, A. Perlin), functional structure (K. Muzdybayev).

We determine professional responsibility as the highest degree of individual professional education and professional traits and qualities (subject, specialist).

The individual situational approach is based on the idea that each subject of professional activity (specialist, professional in the sphere of Arts and Humanities paradigm) is forced to relate to the context of external reality (norms and rules of certain workplace) and deserves the freedom of actions choice in corresponding situations. At the same time professional is obliged to develop personal professional responsibility to use this freedom in the right way. We link the professional responsibility in  the context  of  our  approach  with  personal  qualities,  freedom of choice, independence, individual uniqueness, effectiveness, humanity, self control, motivation of achievement and level of aspiration. Integrating with these personal mechanisms the responsibility acts as the most important regulator of the subject`s behavior in the context of unforeseen circumstances and situations (situational determinants) at the workplace.

Author Biography

  • Muroslava Sadova, Odessa I.I.Mechnikov National University

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How to Cite

Sadova, M. (2015). Professional Responsibility of the Subject: Personal-Situational Approach. Psychological Prospects Journal, 25, 197-207.

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