Features of the Manifestation of the Emotional-Volitional Component of Self-Efficacy in Senior School Age





self-efficacy,, ability,, self-regulation,, self-acceptance,, self-esteem,, autosympathy,, persistence.


The article theoretically observes the problem of self-efficacy of personality, which is not

so much the ability of people to realize their abilities and their most effective use, as the beliefs of the individual in the ability and success in the application of competencies and experience gained in a particular activity. There are types of self-efficacy: activity, communicative and personal. In senior  schoolage  self-efficacy is associated with awareness of the meaning and motives of learning, autonomy, professional self-determination, positive self-assessment, self-esteem, self-mana­gement and the ability to self-organize in general.

The following features of the manifestation of the emotional-volitional component of self-efficacy in senior school age are empiricaly determined: in respondents with below-average self-efficacy – the need to meet the ideal image of «I» and the desire for change, dissatisfaction, anxiety, shyness and doubts about their posibilities and abilities, inability to control their own emotional states and reactions; in students with an average level of self-efficacy – a high level of self-acceptance, internal conflict and self-blame, reflection on their own shortcomings and failures, feelings of guilt, but the desire to bring the case to an end and mobilization in overcoming obstacles, self-control of emotional states and reactions;  in respondents with above-average self-efficacy – self-confidence, self-worth, self-management, self-perception himself as a strong-willed, energetic and independent personality, expectation of recognition of their value and uniqueness by others, high level of self-regulation and persistence. We see the prospect of further exploration in the study of cognitive and behavioral components of self-efficacy, taking into account the gender aspect.


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How to Cite

Fedotova, T., & Malimon, L. (2020). Features of the Manifestation of the Emotional-Volitional Component of Self-Efficacy in Senior School Age. Psychological Prospects Journal, 35, 135-147. https://doi.org/10.29038/2227-1376-2020-35-135-147

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