Subjective Social Well-being as a Psychological Phenomenon


  • Tetyana Danylchenko Chernihiv National Pedagogical University named after Taras Shevchenko



The article is devoted to the review of approaches to treatment of the new concept offered within the limits of positive psychology, − subjective social wellbeing. If earlier the majority of researches concentrated on studying of social factors of subjective well-being and social parameters of quality of life during last decades social well-being has been allocated as an independent scientific category. Among a number of concepts (social well-being, socially-psychological well-being, sociallypsychological
subjective well-being, socially-psychological parameters of life quality,
subjective well-being) the new term is offered: subjective social well-being. It is shown that two campaigns in understanding of the given phenomenon exist. In a wide context social well-being − an integrated indicator of efficiency of functioning of the social sphere which parameters are health of members of a society (physical and
intellectual), habitation presence, financial resources (the income, the saved up resources, ability to get necessary things), work, social relations, a personal security, environment, leisure possibilities. In a narrow (psychological) foreshortening subjective social well-being − the person estimation of own functioning in a society (marriage and home life, friendship, work, habitation, formation, health, a standard of
living, the neighborhood, the place of residence, the country,). Such components of subjective social well-being are allocated: social acceptance, social coherence, social contribution, social actualization, social integration. Author’s definition of subjective social well-being as integrated socially-psychological formation which reflects value
judgment (positive experience) success of functioning of the individual in the social environment is offered. In the subsequent researches working out of new models of subjective social well-being and revealing of factors of its experience in the conditions of the Ukrainian culture is possible.

Keywords: subjective well-being, social well-being, subjective social wellbeing, social connections, personal well-being.

Author Biography

  • Tetyana Danylchenko, Chernihiv National Pedagogical University named after Taras Shevchenko
    кандидат психологічних наук, доцент Чернігівського національного педагогічного університету імені Т. Г. Шевченка


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How to Cite

Danylchenko, T. (2016). Subjective Social Well-being as a Psychological Phenomenon. Psychological Prospects Journal, 28, 93-107.