Personal Profile of Self-attitude in the Structure of Selfconcept of Students with High Level of Helplessness
The article is dedicated to examination of self-attitude in the structure of self-concept which is observed as a product of self-consciousness and an important factor of human behavior determination. The main researches of self-concept and self-image as a result of subjective reflection by a human of himself have been analyzed; the characteristics of selfattitude
were described: openness, self-confidence, self-management, reflecting oneself, self-value, self-acceptance, self-attachment, self-proneness to conflict, selfaccusation. It is noted that negative self-attitude is usually accompanied by processes which misrepresent perception by a subject of own experience and become apparent in affects of inadequateness, addictive or antisocial behavior. This applies particularly to people with high level of personal helplessness who are characterized by nonconstructive behavioral strategies: abandonment of an activity or loss of interest in it (especially after a failure), pseudo-activity, stupor or dislocation to pseudo-objective. It is mentioned that often it is self-consciousness defense mechanism which protects personality from self-destruction, self-identity loss, provides conditional integrity of
self-conception. It is analyzed the results of research of peculiarities of self-attitude and those peculiarities of students with high indices of emotional component of helplessness which have prior meaning for the process of their social adaptation and behavior regulation. Positive interconnections were revealed at such integral indicator of selfattitude
as “internal disorganization” with level of depression, neurotic condition,
reactive aggressiveness and emotional lability; negative interconnection of the index “self-respect” – with neurotic condition, extra-introversion; index “auto-sympathy” – with spontaneous aggression and depression. It is shown that such indices of negative self-attitude of persons with formed helplessness may lead to destruction of integral structure of their self-concept, provoke excessive anxiety and sensitiveness, appear in
protective, often destructive forms of behavior.
Keywords: self-consciousness, self-concept, self-image, self-attitude, self-value, learnt and personal helplessness, generalization of helplessness.
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