Healthy lifestyle of Ukrainians during war: primary analysis of survey data


  • Maryna Dvornyk Institute of Social and Political Psychology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
  • Borys Lazorenko Institute of Social and Political Psychology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
  • Tetiana Larina Institute of Social and Political Psychology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
  • Hanna Hromova Institute of Social and Political Psychology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
  • Nataliia Pohorilska Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
  • Volodymyr Savinov Institute of Social and Political Psychology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
  • Yuliia Hundertailo Institute of Social and Political Psychology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
  • Yuliia Hundertailo Institute of Social and Political Psychology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine



health, health promotion, healthy lifestyle, practices, awareness, well-being, the Russian-Ukrainian war


Purpose. In wartime, individual behavior significantly affects the health status of citizens, as the basic conditions of health are constantly under attack, and the usual way of life is under the destructive influence of various traumatic factors. Understanding the factors, conditions, and trends in promoting a healthy lifestyle (HLS) in wartime realities requires empirical research. The purpose of the article is to conduct a frequency analysis of the data from the survey “Healthy Lifestyle of Ukrainians during War” to incorporate them into the HLS promoting strategies.

Methods. Data collection (end of 2023—beginning of 2024) was conducted through surveys (random and panel online samples) containing seven blocks and using Google Forms; 6042 cases were included in the analysis.

Results. 1) Sociodemographic characteristics of the sample: men predominate (60%); average age – 38 years; education – mostly higher education (almost 50%) and variations of secondary (40%); professional occupation – most in the field of civil security (44,6%) and social and behavioral sciences (17,9%); geography – predominantly regions in Ukraine distant from the frontline (57,6%) and near-frontline areas (20%); family status – majority lives in families (62%), and alone – 13,2%; monthly income is predominantly low (60%) and average (31,3%); time of taking the survey due to massive missile attacks on Ukraine – mostly during attack-free days (77,5%). 2) Features of HLS: leading health preservation factors – lifestyle (99,8%) and social environment (95,5%); over 50% of respondents currently adhere to HLS; the greatest difficulties in maintaining HLS – during anxiety period, from February to May 2022 (47,7%); almost 40% of respondents understand HLS as both harmful habit cessation, existing beneficial habits adhering, and forming of new ones, while another 28,3% prioritize only harmful habits cessation; leading incentives for HLS adherence – signs of health deteriorating (38,3%), pursuit of personal goals (34.1%), awareness on the destructive impact of chronic stress (31,4%); leading barriers – lack of material resources (46,9%), unfavorable emotional state (26%), and adverse environmental conditions (24,8%); the most challenging aspects of HLS adherence – work-rest regimen (35,1%), rational nutrition (31,1%), physical activity (21,5%). 3) Leading health maintenance (care) practices: making plans, setting goals (80,4%); adhering to a regular work schedule (77%); independent search for information on overcoming psychological difficulties (68,8%); trustful communication with close surroundings (64,5%); attention to hygiene and appearance (61,4%); contributing money to volunteer fundraising (57,9%); keeping informed of news from close circles (56%) and moderate use of expert sources (49,8%); watching movies /series (53,3%) and taking walks (43,3%); prayer (37,4%); awareness on playback theatre (19,6%). 4) Digital well-being: manifested at a moderate level, digital engagement overall fosters positive communication and accompanies respondents’ pursuit of personal goals. 5) Attitudes toward uncertainty: women, those with experience of past failures, and those requiring social support are more sensitive to uncertain conditions. 6) Existential motivations: most realized ones – the ability to value moments of life, respect oneself, and orientation toward the future, yet anxiety, stress, and exhaustion are still the case. 7) Experience related to full-scale invasion: forced displacement (25%); psychological (33,4%), human (death, missing persons) (27,6%), material, financial (27%) losses; law enforcement activity (21,6%); changes in life priorities (71,2%), awareness on the ability to cope independently with life difficulties (58,5%). 

Conclusions. The results require further processing and will be used to develop HLS promotion strategies in various settings and population categories.


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How to Cite

Dvornyk, M., Lazorenko, B., Larina, T., Hromova, H., Pohorilska, N., Savinov, V., Hundertailo, Y., & Hundertailo, Y. (2024). Healthy lifestyle of Ukrainians during war: primary analysis of survey data. Psychological Prospects Journal, 43, 80-102.

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