Characteristics and Determinants of Ukrainian Youth’s Ethnonational Identity


  • Olga Kukharuk Інститут соціальної та політичної психології НАПН України


ethnonational identity, manifestation of ethnonational identity, cognitive component of ethnonational identity, affective component of ethnonational identity


The article dedicated to theoretical and empirical research of ethno-national identity of Ukrainian youth. Ethnonational identity in the course of the development of the Ukrainian state constantly undergoes changes, the most striking  of those occurred under the influence of drastic transformations of the society.The article is an attempt to make comprehensive study of ethnonational identity of Ukrainian youth, in particular the degree of manifestation of this phenomenon among people 18–21 years of age. Also there are described independent variables that may have a significant influence on the level of ethnonational identity’s manifestation.  First of all ethnonational identity and its key characteristics are defined in the paper. Then, based on theoretical model, main methodological approaches and methods of ethnonational identity’s study are defined in the article. The paper  also  presents results which were received during the empirical stage of the research. On this stage dependence of ethnonational identity’s manifestation from several independent variables was studied. To consideration were taken few factors, such as: ethnicity (Ukrainian or mixed), young person’s native and spoken language, language of communication in the family and in the inner circle (Ukrainian, Russian or both), region of origin (East, South, West, North, Center of Ukraine or Kyiv) and the settlement type (big city (more than 100 thousand citizens), city (less than 100 thousand citizens), town, village). In the study the level of manifestation of cognitive and affective components of ethnonational identity and its overall level of manifestation are determined. Using statistical methods was identified which independent variables significantly influence level of manifestation of ethnonational identity. Also it was made an attempt to identify common patterns that are forming national identity of Ukrainian youth.

Author Biography

  • Olga Kukharuk, Інститут соціальної та політичної психології НАПН України

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How to Cite

Kukharuk, O. (2015). Characteristics and Determinants of Ukrainian Youth’s Ethnonational Identity. Psychological Prospects Journal, 25, 119-130.

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