Valuably Developed Personality and His/Her Health
healthy personality spiritual potential of personality heartfelt potential of personality vital experience life of personality lifestyle common to all mankind personal capabilitiesAbstract
Methodological positions are inlaid for the analysis of vertex levels of development of personality. Integral description of the valuably developed personality is presented, essence of common to all mankind qualities and features of his/her life in the context of maintenance of spiritual, heartfelt and physical health.References
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5. Antsiferova L. I. Personality in difficult living conditions: rethinking, transformation of situations and psychological protection / L. I. Antsiferova // Psychology. journ - 1994. - Vol. 15, No. 1. - P. 3-17.
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11. Vasilieva O. S. Study of the main characteristics of the human life strategy / O. S. Vasil'eva, E. A. Demchenko // Vopr. psychology. - 2001. - No. 2. - Pp. 74-85.
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14. Life competence of the person: science-method. manual / ed. L.V. Sokhan, I.G. Ermakova, G. M. Nesen. - K.: Bogdan, 2003. - 520 p.
15. Kolesnik O. P. Psychology of spiritual self-development of personality: monograph / O. P. Kolisnyk. - Lutsk: RVB "Tower" Volyn. state un-th them Lesi Ukrainka, 2007. - 386 pp.
16. Kudryava N.V. Loss of the meaning of life as a spiritual-moral and medical-psychological phenomenon / N.V. Kudryava, K.V. Zorin // The meaning of life and
acme: 10 years of search. In 2 hours Part 2. - M.: Smsl, 2004. - P. 3-15.
17. Leontiev DA, Psychology of meaning: nature, structure and dynamics of the semantic reality / D. A. Leontiev. - M.: Meaning, 1999. - 487 pp.
18. Leontiev, D.A. The Test of Sensual Life Orientation (LSO) / D. A. Leontiev. - M.: Smysl, 2000. - 18 p.
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21. Maslow A. Far Limits of the Human Psyche / A. Maslow. - St. Petersburg : Eurasia, 1997. - 430 p.
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23. The art of life-creation of personality. Part 2 Part 1: Theory and Technology of Life Creativity: Science. Method. manual / [count aut L.V. Sokhan, I.G. Ermakov and others.]; Institute of Studies and Methods of Education of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine. - K.: [b. in.], 1997. - 391 p.
24. Nartova-Bochaver S. K. "Coping Behavior" in the system of concepts of psychology personality / S.K. Nartova-Bochaver // Psychology. journ - 1997. - Vol. 18, No. 5. -
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25. Nizovskikh N.A. Man as the author of herself: Psychosemantic study of life principles in the structure of self-developing personality / N. A. Nizovsky. - M.: Meaning, 2007. - 255 p.
26. Nikitin E.P. The phenomenon of human self-affirmation / E.P. Nikitin, N. E. Kharlamenkova. - St. Petersburg : Ateleyya, 2000. - 224 p.
27. Allport G. Formation of personality: votre. tr - M.: Smesl, 2002. - 464 pp.
28. Rodgers K. The View of Psychotherapy / C. Rogers. - M.: Published. group "Progress", "Universe", 1994. - 480 p.
29. Savchin MV Spiritual Human Potential: Monograph / MV Savchin. - 2nd ed., Redesigned. and listens. - Ivano-Frankivsk: City of HB, 2010. - 508 p.
30. Savchin MV Means of spiritual enrichment of modern psychology / MV Savchin / Psychology and Society. - 2011. - No. 4 (46). - P. 52-72.
31. Sokhan LV The life program of the person: the structure and dynamics of life goals / L.V. Sokhan // Life as creativity. - Kyiv: Science. opinion, 1985. - P. 113-141.
32. Stepanov S. Yu. Reflexive practice of creative development of man and organizations / S. Yu. Stepanov. - M.: Science, 2000. - 174 pp.
33. Titarenko T. M. The World of Personality: within and outside the ordinary / T. M. Titarenko. - K.: Lybid, 2003. - 376 pp.
34. Tomé G. Theoretical and empirical foundations of the psychology of the development of human life / G. Tome // Principle of development in psychology. - M.: Science,
1978. - P. 173-196.
35. Frankl V. A Person in Search of Meaning / V. Frankl. - M.: Progress, 1990. - 368 s.
36. Fromm E. Humanistic psychoanalysis / E. Fromm; Sost. and commonly. edit VM Leibin - St. Petersburg : Peter, 2002. - 544 pp.
37. Yalom I. Existential Psychotherapy / I. Yalom. - M.: Independent the firm "Class", 1999. - 576 pp.
2. Adler A. Science live / A. Adler. - Kyiv: Port-Royal, 1997. - 315 p.
3. Adler A. The Meaning of Life / A. Adler // Philosopher. science - 1998. - № 1. - P. 15-26.
4. Aleksandrova LA On the concept of viability in psychology / L. A. Alexandrova // Siberian Psychology Today: Sat. scientific tr - Kemerovo: Kuzbassvuzizdat, 2004. - Izp. 2. - P. 82-90.
5. Antsiferova L. I. Personality in difficult living conditions: rethinking, transformation of situations and psychological protection / L. I. Antsiferova // Psychology. journ - 1994. - Vol. 15, No. 1. - P. 3-17.
6. Antsyferova L. I. The Man in the Face of Life and Death / L. I. Antsyferova // Russian mentality: Questions of psychological theory and practice: collective monogr - Moscow: Institute of Psychology, Russian Academy of Sciences. 1997. - P. 44-55.
7. Akhmerov R. A. Life programs of the person / R. A. Akhmerov // Science and practice. Dialogues of the new century: materials of the International. scientific practice. conf.
Ch. 1. - Naberezhnye Chelny: Publishing house Kamgpi, 2003. - P. 3-4.
8. Bityanova N.R. Psychology of personal growth: practice. A manual for training personal growth psychologists, teachers, social workers / N. R. Bityanov. - Moscow: IPA, 1995. - 64 p.
9. Bodalev AA The pinnacle in the development of an adult. Characteristics and Conditions of achievement / AA Bodalev. - M.: Flint, 1998. - 168 p.
10. Bolshakova AM Psychology of personality realization of the subject of life's journey: monograph / AM Bolshakov. - Zaporozhye: Classical. private un-t 2011. - 312 p.
11. Vasilieva O. S. Study of the main characteristics of the human life strategy / O. S. Vasil'eva, E. A. Demchenko // Vopr. psychology. - 2001. - No. 2. - Pp. 74-85.
12. Gusev AI Tolerance to Uncertainty: Problems of Research / A. I. Gusev // Pract. psychology and soc. work. - 2007. - No. 8. - P. 75-80.
13. Derkach A. A. Akmeologicheskaya culture of personality: content, regularities, mechanisms of development: monograph / AA Derkach, EV Seleznev. - M.: MPSI; Voronezh: NGO "MODEK", 2006 - 496 pp.
14. Life competence of the person: science-method. manual / ed. L.V. Sokhan, I.G. Ermakova, G. M. Nesen. - K.: Bogdan, 2003. - 520 p.
15. Kolesnik O. P. Psychology of spiritual self-development of personality: monograph / O. P. Kolisnyk. - Lutsk: RVB "Tower" Volyn. state un-th them Lesi Ukrainka, 2007. - 386 pp.
16. Kudryava N.V. Loss of the meaning of life as a spiritual-moral and medical-psychological phenomenon / N.V. Kudryava, K.V. Zorin // The meaning of life and
acme: 10 years of search. In 2 hours Part 2. - M.: Smsl, 2004. - P. 3-15.
17. Leontiev DA, Psychology of meaning: nature, structure and dynamics of the semantic reality / D. A. Leontiev. - M.: Meaning, 1999. - 487 pp.
18. Leontiev, D.A. The Test of Sensual Life Orientation (LSO) / D. A. Leontiev. - M.: Smysl, 2000. - 18 p.
19. Loginova NA Development of the Personality and Its Life Path / NA Loginova // Principle of development in psychology. - M.: Science, 1978. - P. 156-172.
20. Maddi S. R. Smysloobrazovanie in the process of decision-making / S. R. Maddi / Psychology. journ - 2005. - Vol. 26, No. 6. - P. 87-101.
21. Maslow A. Far Limits of the Human Psyche / A. Maslow. - St. Petersburg : Eurasia, 1997. - 430 p.
22. Maslow A. New lines of human nature / A. Maslow. - M.: Sense, 1999. - 424 pp.
23. The art of life-creation of personality. Part 2 Part 1: Theory and Technology of Life Creativity: Science. Method. manual / [count aut L.V. Sokhan, I.G. Ermakov and others.]; Institute of Studies and Methods of Education of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine. - K.: [b. in.], 1997. - 391 p.
24. Nartova-Bochaver S. K. "Coping Behavior" in the system of concepts of psychology personality / S.K. Nartova-Bochaver // Psychology. journ - 1997. - Vol. 18, No. 5. -
Pp. 20-30.
25. Nizovskikh N.A. Man as the author of herself: Psychosemantic study of life principles in the structure of self-developing personality / N. A. Nizovsky. - M.: Meaning, 2007. - 255 p.
26. Nikitin E.P. The phenomenon of human self-affirmation / E.P. Nikitin, N. E. Kharlamenkova. - St. Petersburg : Ateleyya, 2000. - 224 p.
27. Allport G. Formation of personality: votre. tr - M.: Smesl, 2002. - 464 pp.
28. Rodgers K. The View of Psychotherapy / C. Rogers. - M.: Published. group "Progress", "Universe", 1994. - 480 p.
29. Savchin MV Spiritual Human Potential: Monograph / MV Savchin. - 2nd ed., Redesigned. and listens. - Ivano-Frankivsk: City of HB, 2010. - 508 p.
30. Savchin MV Means of spiritual enrichment of modern psychology / MV Savchin / Psychology and Society. - 2011. - No. 4 (46). - P. 52-72.
31. Sokhan LV The life program of the person: the structure and dynamics of life goals / L.V. Sokhan // Life as creativity. - Kyiv: Science. opinion, 1985. - P. 113-141.
32. Stepanov S. Yu. Reflexive practice of creative development of man and organizations / S. Yu. Stepanov. - M.: Science, 2000. - 174 pp.
33. Titarenko T. M. The World of Personality: within and outside the ordinary / T. M. Titarenko. - K.: Lybid, 2003. - 376 pp.
34. Tomé G. Theoretical and empirical foundations of the psychology of the development of human life / G. Tome // Principle of development in psychology. - M.: Science,
1978. - P. 173-196.
35. Frankl V. A Person in Search of Meaning / V. Frankl. - M.: Progress, 1990. - 368 s.
36. Fromm E. Humanistic psychoanalysis / E. Fromm; Sost. and commonly. edit VM Leibin - St. Petersburg : Peter, 2002. - 544 pp.
37. Yalom I. Existential Psychotherapy / I. Yalom. - M.: Independent the firm "Class", 1999. - 576 pp.

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How to Cite
Savchin, M. V. (2012). Valuably Developed Personality and His/Her Health. Psychological Prospects Journal, 19, 217-227.