problem child, traumatic situation, adaptation phases, family atmosphere, dysfunctional symptoms, field of interaction.Abstract
The article reveals the main difficulties in the functioning of a family having a problem child. The phases of parents' reactions to the birth of a problem child are identified, the range of problems that are encountered in families is generalized, their typical functioning situations and dysfunctional symptoms are described.References
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4. Corn GV Theoretical and methodological bases of assessment of child-parent relationships in families educating children of early age with developmental disorders: teaching method. manual / G.V. Corn, A.M. Kravtsova; DU "Institute for the Protection of Children and Adolescents of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine"; Eastern European Branch of the International Solomon University. - K.: Molodist, 2007. - 250 s.
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9. Pogoril'skaya N.I. Factors and indicators of psychological adaptation of mothers of children of youth with disabilities: author's abstract. dis ... Candidate psychologist Sciences: 19.00.04 - medical psychology / N. I. Pogorilskaya; Kiev. nats Untitled T. Shevchenko. - K., 2010. - 16 p.10. Rykus JS Social-psychological assistance to families and children of risk groups: [pract. allowance]. In 4 t. T. 1 / J. S. Raikus, R. Hughes. - St. Petersburg : Peter, 2009. - 341 pp.
11. Seligman M. Ordinary families, special children. A systemic approach to helping children with developmental abnormalities (special child): per. from english / M. Seligman, R. Darling. - M.: Publishing house "Terevinf", 2009. - P. 121.
12. Semago N. Ya. Problem Children: Fundamentals of Diagnostic and Corrective Work of a Psychologist / N. Ya. Semago, M. M. Semago. - M.: ARKTY, 2000. - 207 p.
13. Tkacheva VV Psychological study of families raising children with deviations in development / VV Tkacheva. - M.: UMK "Psychology", 2004 - 192 pp.
14. Maslach C. Prevention of burnout / C. Maslach, J. Goldberg // New Perspectives. Applied and Preventive Psychology. - Num. 7. P. 63-74.

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How to Cite
Mushkevich, M. I. (2013). SCIENTIFIC APPROACHES TO THE FAMILY WITH CHILD PROBLEM. Psychological Prospects Journal, 21, 165-176.