Psychological Peculiarities of Interpersonal Relations in a Family with a Problem Child
In this article, the main approaches to dealing with interpersonal relations within a family that has a problem child are introduced.
Peculiarities of marital relations, parental relations, relations of siblings in these types of families are highlighted. It is indicated that in most families the following peculiarities of interpersonal relations are observed: need to unite the family, difficulties in contacting the family, anxiety, insecurity, coldness in relations, lack of confidence, negative emotional connections within the family, disunity, superficial
emotional contact of the members of the family with the outside world, concern about the family situation, introversion, psychological weakness of the members of the family. In the parent-children relations, inharmonious types of interpersonal relations are dominant, which can be divided into 3 groups: 1) the parents act too authoritarian
in relation to their children, demanding unconditional obedience, setting up strict disciplinary framework, impose their will onto a child, not taking into account his own point of view, placing excessive demands onto a child, which he can’t fulfill due to his individual peculiarities; 2) parents are characterized by excessive attention to the child, absolute connivance of all the needs and desires, merge with a child into
one whole, he becomes a centre to them, minimum demands, duties and restrictions are placed on to the child, while he gets all the rights; 3) parents are characterized by a degree of rejection of the child, detachment and coldness in the relations, distance
with the child, excessive demands towards the child. Analyzing the interpersonal relations of the siblings we can see that for the majority of the family the competitiveness of siblings is quite typical, which is indicated through egoistic competitiveness of brothers and sisters, conflict of their relations, jealousy, hidden or even open hostility towards each other in the struggle for parents’ attention and love.
Keywords: family, interpersonal relations, problem child, marital subsystem, parental subsystem, sibling subsystem.
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