Analysis of the Socio-Psychological Attestation of Leaders in the Sphere of Public Administration


  • Nadia Medvid Lviv Polytechnic National University


socio-psychological attestation, leader in the sphere of public administration, psychological characteristics of the leader, professionally important qualities of the leader, professional competence of the leader


The article analyzes the results of socio-psychological attestation of leaders in the sphere of public administration that have been obtained by the author’s technique. It was found that the greatest self-completion stimulus of public administration leaders is the love to their work (26,8 %); democratic leadership style dominates (43,9 %); most of the leaders have internal localization control (89,3 %); the vast majority of the leaders are sanguine (72,5 %); most of the leaders who are in conflict situations use strategy «cooperation» (58,2 %); most of the leaders are instrumental leaders (61,79 %); most common type of the leader is «indispensable» (30,7 %). According to the results of tables coherence and nonparametric chi-square test there was found that the evaluations of individual psychological and socio-psychological characteristics of leaders are statistically significantly different depending on the official status of the subject assessment (p<0,05) and statistically significantly do not vary from its sex and length of service (p > 0,05). According to the results of socio-psychological attestation of public administration leaders there was found that the level of professionally important qualities of 96 % of leaders is above average, and 4 % of leaders have the high level. Using multiple regression analysis (stepwise method) there was revealed that the level of professionally important qualities of the leader affects the efficiency of his operations to 59,7 % and corresponding regression equation was built. Regarding the level of professional competence of public administration leaders, was found that 87 % of leaders who were socio-psychological estimated have sufficient professional competence, 9 % of leaders – intermediate and 4 % of leaders – high level.

Author Biography

  • Nadia Medvid, Lviv Polytechnic National University

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How to Cite

Medvid, N. (2015). Analysis of the Socio-Psychological Attestation of Leaders in the Sphere of Public Administration. Psychological Prospects Journal, 26, 221-231.

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