Psychological and Organizational Peculiarities of Gender Interaction Types Among Staff in Organizations


  • Marianna Tkalych Zaporizhzhіa National University


personnel of organization, gender interaction, professional-partnership type, social-partnership type, distant and conflict type


The paper presents the results of empirical research of types of gender interaction of staff in organizations and  analyzes their psychological and organizational characteristics, which associated with organizational parameters (type of organization, sphere of activity of the enterprise) and gender characteristics of personnel (sex, psychological gender). The study was conducted with the help of the author’s method (questionnaire), which was developed to determine the types of gender interaction of personnel in organizations: professional- partnership, social-partnership, distant and conflict. It was found that the dominant types of gender interactions of personnel in Ukrainian organizations are professional- partnership and social-partnership. Distant and conflict type of interaction has a lower level of intensity. Positive types of gender interaction of personnel in organizations (professional-partnership and social-partnership) highly correlate within male and female gender group, less correlated between gender groups. Negative type of inte- raction (distant and conflict) did not correlate with positive types. Correlations between the gender characteristics of the personnel of organizations (sex and psychological gender) and type of gender interaction are the following: in professional interactions men prefer representatives of their sex, for women it is less common; high level of professional and social interaction exhibited by representatives of androgynous gender, low level was shown by feminine and undifferentiated genders. The relationship between the organizational parameters (type of organization, sphere of activity of the enterprise) and the type of gender interaction are the following: partnerships types  of interactions are more salient in public organizations with female colleagues and in private organizations – with male counterparts. Statistically significant differences in the types of interaction between the personnel of organizations from different sphere of activity were found only in conjunction with the male counterparts: the highest level of intensity is noted in the trade organizations, the lowest – in the education and health sectors.

Author Biography

  • Marianna Tkalych, Zaporizhzhіa National University

    кандидат психологічних наук, до- цент кафедри практичної психології Запорізького національного університету


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How to Cite

Tkalych, M. (2015). Psychological and Organizational Peculiarities of Gender Interaction Types Among Staff in Organizations. Psychological Prospects Journal, 25, 229-240.

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