Practices of Social Psychological Protection of Personality at Risks and Dangers


  • Larysa Zahray Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University


social and psychological practices, psychological safety, social and psychological protection practices, social group practices, acquisition, protection mechanisms


Under the circumstances of change the issue of psychological safety of personality, who suffers anxiety and discomfort, is becoming more acute. The problem of psychological safety of personality is new for the domestic science, because the most researchers do not take into consideration such an important aspect as social and psychological protection practices. The object of the article is to discover the concept of «social and psychological protection practices» and to prove the need for their forming in order to guarantee a psychological safety of personality. Psychological safety in the broad sense of the word means conscious, reflexive and effective attitude of a personality to life, which guarantees him the feeling of integrity, congruence, balance and development. There are two main approaches to guaranteeing the psychological safety of personality: 1) dispositional approach – sources of psycho­logical safety of personality are inside of the personality. These are features of temperament and character, which ensure mobility to respond to the danger; 2) situational approach – human respond to a dangerous situation depends on the ability of personality to perceive, to interpret and to act depending on necessary social and psychological protection practices in his/her experience. Social psychological practices are interpreted as understandable and predictable actions, social verified rituals. They are able to design the personal and social reality. Social and psychological protection practices are regarded as finished verified schemes of responding to dangerous situations, used by individuals to make these situations clear for themselves. There are the following types of social and psycho­logical protection practices-social group and personal ones.

Author Biography

  • Larysa Zahray, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

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How to Cite

Zahray, L. (2015). Practices of Social Psychological Protection of Personality at Risks and Dangers. Psychological Prospects Journal, 26, 133-142.

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