Determination peculiarities of readiness for changes among future Ukrainian law enforcement officers
external positive motivation, internal motivation, tolerance to ambiguity, adaptability, factor analysis, law enforcement, psychological determinants.Abstract
Purpose. The article examines psychological factors associated with acceptance of changes by future Ukrainian police officers. The purpose of the study is to prove the conceptual hypothesis of an existence of a number of psychological factors that can affect the level of readiness for changes among cadets who pursue higher education and are trained to work in the National Police of Ukraine. Methods. In the course of the study, factor analysis was applied along with the main methods that were used to construct the factor model – Principal Component Analysis and Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization. Results. The results of the study: based on a sample of cadets studying in Ukrainian higher education institutions with specific learning conditions, there was done a research of those psychological factors that determine the acceptance of changes by personality. The study provided an essential set of 8 methods and 13 indicators. For the first time to determine the readiness for changes among future law enforcement officers the level of growth thinking and implicit theories of learning were researched (using methodology of studying by C. Dweck). The results of the study became the basis for conducting factor analysis to reduce the dimension and highlight the components that determine the structure of the relationship between the studied indicators. This research improved the idea of readiness for acceptance of changes by future law enforcement officers. Such readiness determinants as professional motivation, openness to new experience, motivation for success, social adaptability were verified empirically. A comprehensive understanding of the main psychological factors which influence the formation of readiness to accept changes by young law enforcement officers was also supplemented. Conclusions. The conclusions of the study include the establishment of the fact that personality structure of the future law enforcement officer can include two orthogonal factors (components), determined by different sets of variables. The components under investigation were defined as proactive and reactive components of personality in terms of readiness to accept changes and respond to them.References
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