Psychological diagnosis of compatibility and cooperation in management teams
cohesion, common interests, psychological climate, interpersonal relations, team work, cooperation, common vision.Abstract
Purpose. The article presents the results of an empirical study of compatibility and workability in management teams. The purpose of the article is to carry out a theoretical analysis and conduct an empirical study of compatibility and efficiency in management teams.
Methods. The study is based on the following methods: theoretical (problem analysis based on the study of scientific literature, systematization and generalization of information) and empirical - the study was conducted using the following methods: 16-factor personality questionnaire RB Kettel (16PF-questionnaire), characterological questionnaire of K. Leonhard and R. Shmishek, tests to assess the characteristics of team behavior and determine the desired management style, developed by prof. Yu. V. Sinyagin, "Lattice of the desired selection" (VV Kalinin, YV Sinyagin).
Results. The article conducts a thorough theoretical analysis of the concepts of "compatibility" and "operation", analyzes the semantic field, which uses the term compatibility, shows that its synonyms are often the following: psychological compatibility, efficiency, cohesion, common interests, conflict, psychological climate. It is noted that compatibility is mainly related to the sphere of interpersonal relations, and the concept of operation, which is often used in conjunction with compatibility, in contrast to the latter, concerns the consistency of the performance characteristics of the subjects. Because activity and interpersonal relationships are two interrelated aspects of a single process of interaction, sometimes work is seen as synonymous with compatibility. Particular emphasis is placed on the fact that compatibility - reflects the psychological unity of the subjects in the field of relations and is expressed in the highest possible positive assessment of each other and the relationship, one or more of their characteristics. Compatibility-incompatibility is closely related to the types of attitudes: sympathy, antipathy, indifference.
Efficiency is characterized by the maximum possible effectiveness of joint actions (activities) of entities in a particular area with relatively low psychophysiological costs to perform these actions (activities).
Conclusions. The conclusions state that the basis of "teamwork", above all, is the following: coincidence of basic psychological characteristics or their combination, which provides the best intra-team interaction; unanimity and shared vision (first of all, the goals of the team, the coincidence: the hierarchy of orientations on the tasks of activity, views on an acceptable management style and distance, both organizational and psychological); coincidence of the orientations of external and internal values.
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