Patriotic education of cadets of the national academy of the state border guard service of Ukraine on examples of border history: psychological aspect




patriotism, cadet, education, National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, border history, ethnic psychology, psychology of intergroup relations.


The psychological aspects of patriotic education of cadets of the National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine on the examples of border history have been analyzed by the author.

At the present stage of development of the Ukrainian statehood, and the threat of its loss in particular, this issue is quite urgent, therefore the problems of finding in-depth methods and resources, including the use of psychological factors, work with civilian and military youth, which would ensure their high level of patriotism, have acquired great significance.

The study of the concept of patriotism leads to the conclusion that this phenomenon, as one of the basic components of the individual and social consciousness, has a complex structure. It is the object of the research of history, ethnology, sociology, political science, as well as ethnic psychology and psychology of intergroup relations. They have accumulated a considerable amount of data recently that allow us to identify the problem of patriotism as an independent object of study, to use appropriate conceptual and terminological tools for the description of this phenomenon and to indicate its socio-psychological specific character.

Among the variety of patriotism shaping principles, there are the "conformity to national interests of Ukraine, priority of spiritual, national-historical and military values and traditions of the Ukrainian people, the Armed Forces of Ukraine" fundamentals. Considering that, the author proves that border guards also have national-historical values and deep traditions, which have been recently confirmed by a number of scientific studies.

Commanders, responsible officials, scientific and pedagogical staff, all the personnel of NASBGSU are increasingly taking advantage of the available examples of the border history in their activities, exerting an original influence on the consciousness, subconsciousness and behavior of the personality of the future border guard officer and on the psychology of the military collective in the process of their vital activity. Thus, they develop high moral-political, civic, military-professional, social-psychological, mental and physical qualities, necessary for the successful performance of their constitutional duty of any complexity to protect the Ukrainian state.


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How to Cite

Shynkaruk, O. (2019). Patriotic education of cadets of the national academy of the state border guard service of Ukraine on examples of border history: psychological aspect. Psychological Prospects Journal, 34, 261-277.

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