Features of Correlation of the Alarm Systems and Temperament as Physiological Pre-Conditions for Forming of Individual Style of Capture an Unnative Language


  • N. Fomina Ryazan State University named after S.O. Yesenin
  • M. Mirchetich Ryazan State University named after S.O. Yesenin


foreign language acquisition, individual activity style, psysiological lemma, signaling systems, temperament, activity, emotivity, self-adjustment, cognitive processes.


The title is devoted to the problem of language acquisition. Features of foreign language acquisition by means of communication and verbal, incommunicative and linguistic styles are revealed in it. Peculiarities of signaling system and students’ temperament quotient are presented. They reveal in activity, self-adjustment, emotivity, memory, imagining and cogitation of the students learning foreign language.


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How to Cite

Fomina, N., & Mirchetich, M. (2013). Features of Correlation of the Alarm Systems and Temperament as Physiological Pre-Conditions for Forming of Individual Style of Capture an Unnative Language. Psychological Prospects Journal, 22, 243-252. https://psychoprospects.vnu.edu.ua/index.php/psychoprospects/article/view/331

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