Social Thinking as Factor of Professional Competence of Future Specialists in Human Sphere


  • L. Zasiekina Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University


social thinking, problem-making, categorization, representation, interpretation, professional competence, communicative competence.


The results of theoretical and empirical study of the social thinking as factor of professional competence of future specialists in human sphere are highlighted in the article. Social thinking is viewed through its main functional procedures: problem-making, categorization, representation, interpre­tation. The impact of categorization and interpretation on professional competence of future specialists in human sphere is empirically revealed. The main directions of professional competence development, using social problem-making, categorization, representation, interpretation, are proposed.


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How to Cite

Zasiekina, L. (2013). Social Thinking as Factor of Professional Competence of Future Specialists in Human Sphere. Psychological Prospects Journal, 22, 70-78.

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