Empirical Referents of Psychological Security in Future Specialists of Safety-Sensitive Professions


  • Myroslava Pustovoit Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University




psychological security, life-purpose orientations, self-regard, social and communicative competence, social responsibility, security-sensitive professions


The article is devoted to the definition of empirical referents of psychological security in future specialists of safety-sensitive professions. The theoretical substantiation of the problem concerns the issues of the need to study the experience of the state of psychological security for professional groups whose activities take place under emotionally tense conditions. It is emphasized that the content of the experience of psychological security is accompanied by relevant personal characteristics which serve as an indicator of their professional competence. The elaborated program of empirical research as well as the used methods of mathematical processing of the results of the study gave the opportunity to determine the referents of the psychological security in specialists of safety-sensitive professions: the formation of life goals, emotional richness and effectiveness of life, the internal control locus; positive self-esteem and self-regard in the signs of autosympathy, self-respect, self-confidence, self-acceptance, self-understanding and self-interest; their social responsibility is formed by the «principal», «normative» and «ethical» types, as well as by the type of «self-assertion» and «self-sacrifice»; they have a developed social and communicative competence, tolerance to incapacity, autonomy, orientation towards success, and resistance to frustration. The differences in the psychological referents of the psychological security of the specialists of safety-sensitive professions indicated in the article can be taken into account in the development of practical programs for optimizing the acquirement of inner psychological security state in the conditions of a rapidly changing social environment.


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How to Cite

Pustovoit, M. (2018). Empirical Referents of Psychological Security in Future Specialists of Safety-Sensitive Professions. Psychological Prospects Journal, 32, 250-260. https://doi.org/10.29038/2227-1376-2018-32-250-260

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