Implementation of Prevention and Diagnostics of Clinical Psychology in the Field of Higher Education


  • Tamara Duchyminska Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Olesia Khlivna Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Liudmyla Mahdysiuk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University



psychological prevention, mental health, student age, educational actvities, psychologist.


The article deals with the psychoprophylactic and psychodiagnostic aspects of clinical psychology in the sphere of higher education, which allows not only observing a sick person, but also predicting and preventing emergence and development of different mental changes and disorders. Student’s age is considered as a separate period of a person’s life cycle, where educational and professional activity acts as a leading activity with its specific peculiarities of goal, content, motivation, methods and forms of organization. Educational stress-factors that give rise to negative emotional reactions of students have been distinguished. In particular, informational stress is the main factor in connection with necessity to process a large number of scientific and educational information in short terms. The results of empirical research of the actual state of mental health of student youth during educational activities in higher educational establishment are presented. The indicators of personality health factors, including value-semantic component, attributive style of explanation, self-esteem, character accentuations, and attitude to life situations and indicators of social factors, which are satisfaction with educational activity, reference environment, and ability of effective communication, have been pointed out. The dominant indicators of the actual health state of the general structure of students’ mental health are determined and the psychoprophylactic field of the psychologist’s activity concerning the mental health of students’ environment has been outlined. The complex psychoprophylactic program of work with higher education students has been developed and approbated, aimed at activization of self-cognition, self-development, motivation to personality and emotional self-improvement; organization of positive situational field for psychological and emotional communication; constructive strategies development of educational and pedagogical interaction.


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How to Cite

Duchyminska, T., Khlivna, O., & Mahdysiuk, L. (2018). Implementation of Prevention and Diagnostics of Clinical Psychology in the Field of Higher Education. Psychological Prospects Journal, 31, 83-94.

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